
Taking You From Chaos to Order

Cothink’r is a strategic advisory and coaching firm that helps discouraged business leaders navigate the gap between their vision and strategy, so they have the clarity, confidence, and cadence to drive never imagined results and possibilities.
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Achieve Never-Imagined Results

Determining what’s most important, and aligning a team, an organization and an entire year of effort, is the difference between realizing a vision and broad disappointment—and the eventual resignation of your dreams and your team. It’s time to bring in a Cothink’r to apply a single, time-tested framework and guide you through a full year of implementation.
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Action-Oriented Guide

Unlike most consultants, we don’t develop a complex plan and dump it on your desk. Instead, we strive for simple, achievable strategies, and work with you throughout the year to ensure your achievement.
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Jargon-Free Approach

Cothink’r has an established framework and a lot of tools that help you develop an annual plan where every element is intentionally practical, pragmatic and lacking self-inflated terminology.
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Ever-Present Support

You no longer need to think through things alone. Coaching is core to how we deliver both strategy and leader support, and we’ll be with you through every step regardless of the methodology you choose.

Move Forward with Clarity, Confidence & Cadence

Ever feel like you know more about what’s not working than what to do next? A Cothink’r can help you identify and implement the most important strategies that will move you from fixing problems to driving results.

A Cothink’r can help you:

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Stop Drifting & Start Designing the Future You Want

Leadership can be lonely and isolating. Figuring out what to do in the middle of many competing priorities is hard, and sometimes it feels like there are impossible choices to make. A Cothink’r will help you navigate these challenges and create alignment for you, your leadership team and your entire organization. 

Core Advisory

Developing a strategic plan that is clear, concise, and actionable is part art, part science. You and your team will benefit from an advisor that can facilitate a planning day or multi-day retreat, and a reliable framework for navigating the complexities of identifying and defining next year’s priorities.


After years of coaching and teaching alongside Michael Hyatt, Cothink’r has earned the unique status of Full Focus Certified Master Pro, giving us the tools and insights required to lead you to win at work and succeed at life. Designed for individual leaders who have a strategic plan or use another planning framework but need one-on-one coaching.


Sometimes you just need a little extra help to get projects moving. From process flow to SOP, and from accountability charts to ghostwriting, some projects require an amount of free space or experiences that might not be available to you. If you’re an active client, bring us your projects and we’ll accelerate them for you.
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Getting Started is Easy


Schedule a 30-minute discovery call & identify your path: Coaching or advisory support.


Enroll and complete a clarity call to set your priorities.


Start a new cadence, and gain clarity and confidence. You’ve got this!


You will never realize your vision unless you commit yourself to identifying the most important, prioritizing it, and enrolling those around you to execute it. This is strategy in action.

Kyle FPO


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Cothink’r Clients

Sharing the biggest opportunities and challenges requires the highest level of trust, and we have earned that with our clients.
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What Our Clients Say

The proof is in the results, and Cothink’r clients have a lot to share.